Business District Parking Lot Improvements

The parking lot construction has been completed! Check out the photos below, and more importantly, please use this lot (off Oxford Avenue) for free parking when you patronize our local businesses and attend community events!

Funds awarded from the Neighborhood Businesses District Improvement Program allowed the Mt. Washington Community Development Corporation to manage the renovation of the business district parking lot for the Mt. Washington Community Urban Redevelopment Corporation (CURC).

Construction began in the Summer of 2023 and was completed in Fall 2023. The next phase is landscaping and signage directing drivers to the lot from Beechmont Avenue.

Funds awarded from the Neighborhood Businesses District Improvement Program allowed the Mt. Washington Community Development Corporation to manage the renovation of the business district parking lot for the Mt. Washington Community Urban Redevelopment Corporation (CURC).


In 2016, Mt. Washington CDC along with the Mt. Washington CURC, were awarded a grant to help improve the parking lots in the business district.

Our mission is to show that a parking lot can be used for much more than parking. Being so close to Stanbery Park, we are able to use the Park and the parking lot together to hold great place-making events.

In addition to helping our community rethink parking, we want to make sure that its primary use, parking, is safe and easy to use. The first step was to create a sidewalk that connects to our existing side walks and Tom Roth Place.

Our design follows CPTED Standards (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) so that our community members and police officers can easily see all activity in the parking lot – making it a safer place for you to leave your car!


Ice And Beer


Stanbery Park